Lutlye Productions
The children’s book market may be huge – but there’s always room for more rhyme!
Colourful and highly entertaining, our books are the perfect bed-time story. Rhyme is wonderful because it’s so much fun to read and at the same time, it’s extremely educational, teaching children phonemics, word patterns, sentence construction and so much more – without them even realising!
Our Sonny and Amber stories are far-fetched family fun, with a lovely twist at the end. The Guardian Aliens love our planet and are very good at getting children involved in doing great things for the environment – and each other. The Adventures of Drip the Drop is a scientifically accurate, highly engaging story of the water cycle, told through the eyes of one tiny drop of water and used in many local schools as it ties in with the curriculum nicely.
One of our grandchildren called butterflies ‘lutlyes’ when she was small – and it stuck. We love butterflies and it seemed like a good idea for a name, as well as being a word that we knew wouldn’t have been registered by anyone else!
We started this venture in 2021 with three books. We now have eight and more in the pipeline. We are living proof that it’s never too late to try something new. We really do hope you’ll like our books.